Department of
Administration (Main Number) |
505-891-5000 |
Department of
Senior Services/Meadowlark Senior Center (Assistance with
services, problems or other information for persons over 55 or
their caregivers. Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
505-891-5018 |
Department of
Senior Services FAX |
505-891-7288 |
Department of
Senior Services Web Site |
or |
Department of
Tourism |
505-891-7258 |
Rio Rancho Chamber
of Commerce |
505-892-1533 |
Sandoval County
Senior Programs |
Information &
Assistance |
505-867-7535 |
505-867-7600 |
Five Sandoval
Indian Pueblos, Inc. |
505-867-3351 |
AARP Information
Center (Mon-Wed-Fri)-Albuquerque |
505-830-3096 |
Department of Senior Affairs |
505-764-6400 |
ASK United Way -
Refers people of all ages who are in need to the agencies which
serve that need. |
505-245-1735 or
505-245-1756 |
New Mexico State
Agency on Aging |
800-432-2080 |


City of Rio Rancho |
505-891-7258 |
Meadowlark Senior Center |
505-891-5018 |
Homebound Network - Provides
social and emotional support (visiting, telephone assurance and
recreational field trips) to homebound elderly. |
505-896-8312 or 505-896-8314 |
Five Sandoval Indian Pueblos,
Inc. |
505-867-3351 |
Peer Counseling (Sandoval
Senior Connection) Trained volunteers provide in-home emotional
reassurance for seniors with depression problems. |
505-243-2551 |
Retired and Senior Volunteer
Program - Volunteer placement with community agencies for
persons 55 and over. |
505-867-8687 |
Senior Companion Program -
Volunteer opportunity for income-eligible persons over 60 to
work with homebound elderly for a stipend. |
505-867-8687 |
Mature Driving: 55 Alive,
American Association of Retired Persons |
505-891-5018 |
Tax Aide: American Association
of Retired Persons (Call For Info) |
505-892-4038 |
TRIAD: SALT (Seniors and Lawmen
Together), Sgt. Mike Padilla |
505-891-5923 |
Voting: American Association of
Retired Persons |
505-898-2887 |
Widowed Persons: American
Association of Retired Persons |
505-892-0712 |
Women's Initiative: American
Association of Retired Persons |
505-867-0978 |


New Mexico Department of Labor
(JTPA) Employment Security Division (ESD). Assists with job
placement and information on unemployment benefits. JTPA
prepares unskilled income eligible adults for entry into the
labor force, training and employment prospects. |
505-891-1911 |
Senior Community Service
Employment, Call Art Lopez. American Association of Retired
Persons - Hire low income seniors over 55 to work part-time in
non-profit organizations (20 hours) as a stepping stone to
permanent employment. |
505-248-0052 |


Advance Directives - Packet
containing the following forms: living will, power of attorney,
cremation authorization, and values history. Available at the
Meadowlark Senior Center and all Sandoval County Senior Centers. |
505-891-5018 |
Attorney General's Office,
Santa Fe - Consumer Division - Assistance with consumer
complaints. |
505-827-6060 or 800-678-1508 |
Better Business Bureau -
Provides information on local companies and charities and
mediates consumer complaints. |
505-884-0500 or 800-873-2224 |
Birth Certificates - Certified
copies of certificates of births occurring in New Mexico, a
$10.00 fee. Information on how to get out-of-state birth
certificates. |
505-841-4185 |
Consumer Credit Counseling
Southwest - Help solving financial problems through counseling
and management. Statewide |
800-308-2227 |
Death Certificates, Santa Fe |
505-827-2338 |
Desert State Life Management
Services - Bill paying, trust management, agent for power of
attorney, representative payee, conservatorship, and
guardianship services. |
505-843-7535 |
District Attorney's Office |
505-867-2386 |
Financial Counseling - Service
provided to all communities by AARP Women's Initiative
volunteers. American Association of Retired Persons, Rio Rancho,
NM |
505-867-0978 |
Investment Fraud, Securities
Division, Santa Fe - Investigates investment brokers and
investment products. |
505-827-7140 or 800-704-5533 |
Lawyer Referral for the Elderly
Program (NM State Bar Association) Statewide |
800-876-6657 |
Legal Aid Society of
Albuquerque |
505-243-7871 |
New Mexico Department of
Children, Youth & Families - Abuse, neglect and exploitation |
800-933-6274 |
Northern New Mexico Legal
Services |
800-373-9881 |
Public Regulation Commission |
800-947-4722 |
Senior Citizens Law Office,
3117 Silver SE, Albuquerque |
505-265-2300 |
Sandoval County Legal
Department |
505-867-7500 |
Guardianship.Conservatorship Program Desert State Life
Management Services |
505-843-7535 |


911 |
Rio Rancho Department of
Public Safety |
Main # (Administration) |
505-891-5900 |
Police/Fire/EMS/Dispatch |
505-891-7226 |
Animal Control |
505-891-7237 |
Burn Line |
505-891-7268 |
Bernalillo: |
Fire Department (Non-Emergency) |
505-867-2301 |
Police Department
(Non-Emergency/Animal Control) |
505-867-2304 |
Sandoval County: |
Sheriffs Office (Non-Emergency) |
505-867-7526 |
Sheriffs Office (Emergency) |
505-867-4581 |
Fire Marshall |
505-867-0245 |
Adult Abuse and Neglect, New
Mexico Department of Children, Youth & Families |
Rio Rancho - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM,
Monday - Friday |
505-892-3663 |
After hours, Rio Rancho
Department of Public Safety (Dispatch) |
505-891-7226 |
Sandoval County - 8:00 AM -
5:00 PM, Monday - Friday |
505-867-2373 or 800-933-6774 |
District Attorney's Office |
505-867-2386 |
Domestic Violence, Sandoval
County - Crisis Hot Line, 24 hours |
800-773-3645 |
Five Sandoval Indian Pueblos -
Substance abuse prevention and treatment, WIC, energy
assistance, services for the elderly, and food distribution. |
505-867-3351 |
New Mexico Poison/Drug
Information |
505-843-2551 or
800-432-6866/6868 |
New Mexico Victims Assistance |
505-843-0815 |
Project Sandoval County, Inc. -
Domestic violence interventions |
505-896-4869 or 800-219-0958 |
Rio Rancho Ambulance, Emergency
Medical Service |
505-891-7229 |


Public Service Company of
New Mexico Electric & Gas Services: (serving Albuquerque,
Belen, Bernalillo, Corrales, Cuba, Los Lunas and Rio Rancho) |
To Report Electric Power
Outages |
505-246-5911 |
To Report Gas Leaks |
505-246-7300 |
To Get Outage Information |
505-241-2525 |
Gas Leaks TDD/TTY |
505-241-7889 |
After 7:00 PM - Weekends -
Holidays |
505-345-1841 |
Electricity: |
Cuba Electric |
505-289-3241 |
Jemez Mountain Electric |
505-829-3550 |
Gas: |
AAA Gas Company (Bernalillo) -
Propane Service, Rural |
505-867-6616 |
Ferrel Gas (Propane), Cuba
area: |
Weekdays |
505-289-3206 |
After 5:00 PM & Weekends |
505-289-3524 or 505-289-3797 |
Ferrel Gas (Propane), Jemez
area: |
505-843-7342 |
Water: |
City of Rio Rancho: |
Water Department - Customer
Service Water & Sewer |
505-891-5020 |
Bernalillo: |
Weekdays |
505-867-3311 |
After 5:00 PM & Weekends |
505-867-2304 |
Jemez Springs Domestic Water
Co-Op: |
Weekdays |
505-829-3083 |
After 5:00 PM & Weekends |
505-829-3723 |


Approved by the State Board of Education in July
1993, the Rio Rancho Public School District took effect July 1994. For
more information, please contact: Rio Rancho Public Schools, 500 Laser
Road, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 (505-896-0667).
Colinas del Norte Elementary,
1001 23rd Avenue NE |
FAX: 505-896-3387 |
Suzanne Harper |
Enchanted Hills Elementary, 5400
Obregon Road, NE |
FAX: 505-892-9808 |
Cathy Baehr |
Ernest Stapleton Elementary, 4477
9th Avenue, NE |
FAX: 505-891-8498 |
Linda Sanasac |
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Elementary, 1301 27th Street SE |
FAX: 505-892-9862 |
Cathy Corbin |
Puesta del Sol Elementary, 450
Southern Blvd, SE |
FAX: 505-994-3316 |
Bernadette Bachtel |
Rio Rancho Elementary, 46601 Pepe
Ortiz, SE |
FAX: 505-892-5724 |
Tina Krattiger |
Vista Grande Elementary, Chayote
Road in Enchanted Hills |
Opening in August 2002 |
Linda Banker |
4,725 |
Eagle Ridge Middle School, 800
Fruta Road, NE |
FAX: 505-892-6909 |
Ruth Miller |
Lincoln Middle School, 2287 Lema
Road, SE |
FAX: 505-892-9728 |
Richard Von Ancken |
Mountain View Middle School, 4101
Montreal Loop, NE |
FAX: 505-867-7901 |
Kathy Pinkel |
Rio Rancho Mid School 8th &
9th Grades, 1600 40th Street |
Opening August 2002 |
Scott Affentranger |
2,533 |
Rio Rancho High, 301 Loma
Colorado, NE |
FAX: 505-896-5901 |
Gary Tripp |
Independence High, 7100 Idalia
Road, NE |
FAX: 505-771-4928 |
Buck Glenn |
3,307 |
10,565 |
Children's Center, 1598 Sara
Road, Rio Rancho 87124 |
505-892-6388 |
Early Learning Pre-School, Inc.,
2704 Southern Blvd, Rio Rancho 87124 |
505-892-5105 |
Happy Days Christian Day Care
Pre-School, 2001 Golf Course Road SE, Rio Rancho 87124 |
505-892-6529 |
Kinder Care Learning Center, 4031
Barbara Loop SE, Rio Rancho 87124 |
505-892-1161 |
La Petite Academy, 501 Quantum,
Rio Rancho 87124 |
505-892-3660 |
La Petite Academy, Barbara Loop,
Rio Rancho 87124 |
505-891-5722 |
La Petite Academy, 2800 Southern
SE, Rio Rancho 87124 |
505-892-4644 |
Little House on the Mesa, Inc.,
2009 Grande Blvd SE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-892-8700 |
Memorable Moments (opening August
2002), 4351 Jager Drive, Rio Rancho 87124 |
505-891-9305 or
505-730-9305 |
Pinewood Playhouse Pre-School,
2750 Pinewood SE, Rio Rancho 87124 |
505-892-3925 |
Albuquerque Academy (College
Prep) |
6400 Wyoming NE, Albuquerque, NM
87109 |
505-828-3200 |
Bosque School (Grades 6-12) |
4000 Learning Rd SE, Albuquerque,
NM 87114 |
505-898-6388 |
Christian Life Academy (K-12) |
3910-A 19th Avenue, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-891-1419 |
Manzano Day School (Grades K-12) |
1801 Central NW, Albuquerque, NM
87104 |
505-243-6659 |
Montessori School, Inc. (Grades
K-6) |
3821 Singer Blvd NE, Albuquerque,
NM 87109 |
505-344-7447 |
Sandia Preparatory (Grades 6-12) |
5320 Osuna Road NE, Albuquerque,
NM 87109 |
505-344-1671 |
Sunset Mesa Day School (Grades
K-5) |
3020 Morris NE, Albuquerque, NM
87111 |
505-298-7626 |
Catholic |
Contact the Catholic Schools
Administration |
505-831-8173 |
Gospel Light Baptist Academy
(Grades K-12) |
1500 Southern Blvd SE, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-892-9463 |
Hope Christian School (Grades
1-12) |
1801 Central NW, Albuquerque, NM
87104 |
505-822-8868 |
Hope Christian School (Grades
K-5) |
900 Southern Blvd, Rio Rancho, NM
87124 |
505-892-4565 |
Immanuel Lutheran School (Grades
1-8) |
300 Gold SE, Albuquerque, NM
87102 |
505-243-2589 |
Menaul School (Presbyterian)
(Grades 9-12) |
301 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque,
NM 87107 |
505-345-7727 |
Parkview Baptist Elementary
School (Grades K-8) |
1404 Lead SE, Albuquerque, NM
87106 |
505-242-4648 |
St. Thomas School (Grades K-12) |
1100 Hood SE, Rio Rancho, NM
87124 |
505-892-3221 |
Western Heights Christian School
(Grades 1-6) |
6415 Sage Road SW, Albuquerque,
NM 87121 |
505-247-2079 |
Westside Christian School |
3021 Todos Santos NW,
Albuquerque, NM 87120 |
505-839-4877 |
National American University RR
Branch |
1601 Rio Rancho Blvd, #200, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-891-1111 |
New Mexico Highlands - Rio Rancho
Branch |
1700 Grade Ct, Rio Rancho, NM
87124 |
505-891-2046 |
TVI-Rio Rancho Branch |
State Rd 528 & Sundit Rd, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-892-7113 |
University of New Mexico - Rio
Rancho Branch |
4100 Southern Blvd, #180A, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-896-4722 |
University of Phoenix - Rio
Rancho Branch |
2600 The American Road SE, #245,
Rio Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-899-6000 |


There are many religious services available in the
Rio Rancho area. The following listing is of the Rio Rancho area. There
are more places of worship in the Albuquerque Metro Area.
Aposento Alto Praise Chapel |
2501 Alamogordo NW, Albuquerque,
NM 87120 |
505-839-7116 |
Church of Christ |
1006 22nd Street SE, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-892-7676 |
Calvary Chapel Rio Rancho |
138-A Frontage Road, Rio Rancho,
NM 87124 |
505-896-2990 |
Calvary Temple Assembly of God |
5331 Montano NW, Albuquerque, NM
87120 |
505-899-0594 |
First Assembly of God |
274 Camino Don Tomas, Bernalillo,
NM 87004 |
505-867-7226 |
Grace Temple |
2900 Southern Blvd, Rio Rancho,
NM 87124 |
505-891-9786 |
Rio Norte Christian Fellowship |
4041 Barbara Loop, Suite #E, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-891-8719 |
Celebration Baptist Church |
5620 Larado Rd, NW, Rio Rancho,
NM 87124 |
505-994-0430 |
Sunrise Baptist |
5645 Paradise Blvd, NW,
Albuquerque, NM 87114 |
505-899-4009 |
Bethany Baptist Church |
1603 Inca Road NE, Rio Rancho, NM
87124 |
505-892-4998 |
Charity Baptist |
5501 Obregon Road, Rio Rancho, NM
87124 |
505-891-4707 |
Bernalillo Independent |
105 Academy Drive, Bernalillo, NM
87004 |
505-867-2505 |
Gospel Light |
1500 Southern Blvd, Rio Rancho,
NM 87124 |
505-892-9463 |
Mesa Baptist Temple |
1411 Golf Course Road, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-892-0511 |
New Life Baptist Church |
3301 Coors Blvd NW, Suite K,
Albuquerque, NM 87120 |
505-839-9801 |
Agape Community Church |
12 Unser Blvd, SE, Rio Rancho, NM
87124 |
505-896-6803 |
Cottonwood Church (meets at
Cibola High School) |
Call for information |
505-792-9191 |
Emanuel Missionary Baptist |
2345 Southern Blvd, SE, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-896-1054 |
Community Missionary Baptist
Church |
224-C Unser, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-891-8488 |
First Baptist Church/Alameda |
8818 - 2 NW, Albuquerque, NM
87114 |
505-898-2625 |
First Baptist Church/Rio Rancho |
3906 19th Avenue SE, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-892-1323 |
Harvest Community Church |
4611 Greene NW, Albuquerque, NM
87114 |
505-792-8737 |
Northdale Baptist Church |
123 Osuna Road NW, Albuquerque,
NM 87107 |
505-345-2380 |
Taylor Ranch Baptist Church |
6400 Golf Course Road, NW,
Albuquerque, NM 87114 |
505-899-0665 |
Trinity Baptist Church |
5915 Bluewater Road, NW,
Albuquerque, NM 87105 |
505-831-1899 |
Alameda Bible Church |
220 El Pueblo Rd NW, Albuquerque,
NM 87114 |
505-898-2311 |
Lady of the Rosary |
333 - 58th St NW, Albuquerque, NM
87105 |
505-831-3244 |
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
Mary Church |
9502 - 4th Street NW,
Albuquerque, NM 87114 |
505-898-5253 |
Our Lady of Guadelupe |
1860 Griegos Rd, NW, Albuquerque,
NM 87107 |
505-345-4596 |
Our Lady of Sorrows Parrish |
301 Camino Del Pueblo,
Bernalillo, NM 87004 |
505-867-5252 |
Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary
Church |
5415 Fortuna Rd NW, Albuquerque,
NM 87105 |
505-836-5011 or 505-831-2525 |
St. Jude Thaddeus |
5712 Paradise Blvd, Albuquerque,
NM 87114 |
505-898-0826 |
St. Thomas Aquinas |
1502 Sara Road SE, Rio Rancho, NM
87124 |
505-892-1511 |
Felician Sisters Convent |
4210 Meadowlark Lane, Rio Rancho,
NM 87124 |
505-892-8862 |
Our Lady Queen of Angels |
1030 C Veranda Road, Rio Rancho,
NM 87124 |
505-896-1611 |
Church Alive |
9621 Coors Blvd NW, Albuquerque,
NM 87114 |
505-890-2800 |
Tabernacle of Praise |
6013 Paradise Blvd NW,
Albuquerque, NM 87114 |
505-898-4508 |
Convent Church |
6380 Iris Rd NE, Rio Rancho, NM
87124 |
505-867-0603 |
Rio Rancho Christian |
P. O. Box 15255, Rio Rancho, NM
87174-5255 |
505-892-1515 (meet at Stapleton
Elementary School) |
West Mesa Christian |
8821 Golf Course Road, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-898-8226 |
First Church |
1607 Golf Course Road, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-892-6987 |
Rio Rancho Branch |
1006 22nd Street SE, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-892-7676 |
Avalon Road Church of Christ |
6008 Avalon Rd, NW, Albuquerque,
NM 87105 |
505-836-1282 |
Church of Christ-Riverside |
3100 La Orilla Rd NW,
Albuquerque, NM 87120 |
505-898-2627 |
Westside Church of Christ |
3320 Coors Blvd NW, Albuquerque,
NM 87120 |
505-839-9880 |
Church of God |
6253 Apache Plume Road NE, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-892-9677 |
Star Heights/Panorama
Heights/Corrales Wards |
2807 19th Avenue SE, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-892-4821 |
Paradise Hills/Taylor
Ranch/Volcano Cliffs Wards |
6009 Kachina NW, Albuquerque, NM
87120 |
505-899-1201 |
St. Paul's United |
2701 The American Road, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-898-7026 |
St. Francis Episcopal Church |
2903 19th Street SE, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-896-1999 |
Rio West Community Church |
1424 Deborah Road, Rio Rancho, NM
87124 |
505-891-2818 |
Faith Evangelical |
900 Southern Blvd, Rio Rancho, NM
87124 |
505-891-0393 |
Westside Foursquare |
6020 Juniper Road NW,
Albuquerque, NM 87120 |
505-831-7112 |
Church on the Rock |
5300 2nd NW, Albuquerque, NM
87107 |
505-342-2687 |
New Covenant Worship Center |
6007 Paradise Blvd NW,
Albuquerque, NM 87114 |
505-890-5633 |
Victory Love Fellowship |
7201 Central Avenue NW,
Albuquerque, NM 87121 |
505-831-0961 |
Alameda Congregation |
8812 - 2nd Street NW,
Albuquerque, NM 87114 |
505-897-0251 |
Mountain View Congregation |
312 - 20th Street SE, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-892-8529 |
Volcano View Congregation |
1700 57th Street NW,
Albuquerque, NM 87105 |
505-831-6789 |
Rio Rancho Jewish Center |
2009 Grande Blvd., Rio Rancho, N
M 87124 |
505-892-8511 |
Baruch Ha-Shem |
4041 Barbara Loop #E, Rio Rancho,
NM 87124 |
505-892-3195 |
All Saints Lutheran -ELCA |
4800 All Saints Road,
Albuquerque, NM 87114 |
505-898-3932 |
Calvary Lutheran-LCMS |
20th & Abrazo, Rio Rancho, NM
87124 |
505-892-9407 |
Community of Joy - ELCA |
4351 Jager Drive, Rio Rancho, NM
87124 |
505-892-8208 |
Cross of Hope Lutheran-ELCA |
6104 Taylor Ranch Road,
Albuquerque, NM 87120 |
505-897-0047 |
Peace Lutheran Church |
2800 19th Avenue SE, Rio Rancho,
NM 87124 |
505-891-8246 |
Our Saviour Lutheran - LCMS |
4301 Atrisco Dr NW, Albuquerque,
NM 87120 |
505-836-7007 |
Rio Rancho Lutheran Mission
Church |
300-C Frontage Road, Rio Rancho,
NM 87124 |
505-891-7677 |
Peace Lutheran Church |
2800 - 19th Avenue, Rio Rancho,
NM 87124 |
505-891-8246 |
Family of Faith |
Rio Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-896-3630 |
Mesa View United |
4701 Montano Road NW,
Albuquerque, NM 87120 |
505-898-3506 |
Rio Rancho United |
1652 Abrazo Road NE, Rio Rancho,
NM 87124 |
505-892-0404 |
Paradise Hills United |
4700 Paradise Blvd NW,
Albuquerque, NM 87114 |
505-898-1327 |
New Hope Community Church |
224 Unser Blvd SE, Rio Rancho, NM
87124 |
505-896-0445 |
Rio Vista Church |
8701 Golf Course Rd, Rio Rancho,
NM 87124 |
505-898-8205 |
Alameda Bible Church |
220 El Pueblo Rd NW, Albuquerque,
NM 87114 |
505-898-2311 |
Church of the Living God |
382 58th NW, Albuquerque,
NM 87105 |
505-831-6466 |
Corrales Mission Church |
5220 Corrales Rd, Corrales, NM
87048 |
505-897-1400 |
Family Worship Center |
5200 Iliff Rd NW, Albuquerque, NM
87105 |
505-831-5365 |
The Salvation Army of Rio Rancho |
1520 Deborah Rd, Suite E, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-891-0594 |
Aposento Alto Praise Chapel
Ministry |
2501 Alamogordo NW, Albuquerque,
NM 87120 |
505-839-7166 |
Aposolic Living Word United
Church |
1201 Golf Course Road, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-892-9557 |
Living Hope Christian Center |
4800 Rockaway Blvd NE, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-892-6400 |
Rio Rancho Presbyterian Church |
1004 24th Street SE, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-892-6664 |
Westside Cumberland Presbyterian |
4100 Southern Blvd #101, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-896-8412 |
Central Seventh Day |
2201 Estancia Dr NW, Albuquerque,
NM 87120 |
505-836-1845 |
Corrales Seventh Day |
20 Academy Drive, Corrales, NM
87048 |
505-897-0939 |
Rio Rancho Seventh Day Adventist
Church |
2210 Western Hills Dr, Rio
Rancho, NM 87124 |
505-892-4421 |
Unitarian Universalist Westside
Congregation |
2009 Grande Blvd SE, Rio Rancho,
NM 87124 |
505-896-8192 |
Unity Church of Christianity |
1700 Atrisco Dr NW, Albuquerque,
NM 87105 |
505-836-1677 |
Cornerstone Wesleyan Church |
P. O. Box 67436, Albuquerque, NM
87193-7436 |
505-792-9707 |
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